Why so many already Choose Us for their Dental Care, before & beyond these Covid-19 challenging times!
- This Practice was already rated No.1 in the UK, for the Quality of its Patient Services as far back as 1996/97, as independently assessed and judged by Colgate, Denplan and the British Dental Journal in their Quality Development Awards (QDA) competition, open to all Dental Practices in the UK. So high standards have always been our philosophy, not just a recent change - when spending more, on more demanding cases, you want that extra attention to detail that we have normalised for decades!!
- Dr.Kilcoyne has been working for over 35 Years in the same Practice, with an established reputation locally and nationally, thus you can be assured you will be treated and cared for by the same person, with decades of established reliability!
- Dr.Kilcoyne is a fully registered Specialist too, there simply isn't any higher Qualification than this.
- Other Dentists refer their patients, their families and even themselves for treatment here, year after year.
- We have a long history of successfully treating the most complex and challenging cases, so you are unlikely to be the worst case we've ever seen or helped.
- We offer a wide range of advanced Treatments and techniques all in-house, from Same-Day Dental Implants with same-day teeth to Full Mouth Rebuilds and Cosmetic Dentistry improvements, so Dr.Kilcoyne can see the vast majority of Cases through to completion personally. You will not be moved around different people!
- Our Progressive Practice likes to be at the forefront of developments and modern advances in Dentistry, with Dr.Kilcoyne keeping up to date on various Courses and even visiting USA University Dental Schools regularly, before travel restrictions impacted this global activity.
- Dr.Kilcoyne is a popular teacher and lecturer to other Dentists and Dental team members, who wish to learn from his decades of knowledge and expertise. You too can benefit from the advanced knowledge and skills he has learned and teaches to other Professionals.
- Thousands of patients have chosen to travel great distances to access our Expertise, Care and good Value for the Quality of Dentistry and dental health advice they receive. This may even on occasions involve advising NOT to do something, as well as making joint decisions on any agreed treatments.
- Last but not least, you the patient, are very important to all our Dental Team at The SmileSpecialist® Centre and we will always make time to treat you Gently, Courteously and with great Respect. Indeed like many others do, you could even start to enjoy your visits here for dental care too!
"The Practice had good facilities and was well equipped to treat patients and meet their needs." and "Patients were positive about the care they received at the practice. Feedback commented how friendly, caring and attentive staff were at the practice."

You don't have to be an Olympic Athlete to access our care and expertise directly...
Make this THE time for a better Smile, start with Haworth BD22 8NL on your SatNav map, below as the RED ' O ' TODAY!

Our SmileSpecialist® Centre Dental Practice is on Station Road, opposite the Steam Railway Station at the bottom of the village hill.
You can use the above website menu or just click-a-link here for Specialist or Advanced aspects of Cosmetic Dentistry, Tooth Veneers, Tooth Whitening, Dental Tooth Implants and smaller Mini-Implants, Dental Ceramic Crowns, Gum Diseases and Bad Breath, Root Canal treatments or Dental CPD Courses, are just some of the subjects you can learn more about here on our award winning dental website www.smilespecialist.co.uk.
The PLANNING of Treatment Options is just as important as the Quality of Treatment - Dr.Kilcoyne can help you get both rights, first time!
Wishing you good Dental Health AND a Smile to be proud of, from all at the SmileSpecialist® Team.
As always, Prevention is cheaper and better than Cure - that includes Preventing making bad choices based on costs alone!
Click Here if you are Worried about the Possible Dental Treatment Dangers Abroad, to find out more....