First Name: *
Last Name: *
Daytime Telephone No: *
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E-mail Address: *
Street Address: *
Address Line 2:
City: *
Postal Code: *
Referral Type Opinion Only
Opinion and Treatment
Opinion, Tr eatment and Aftercare
Which Areas interest you most? Tooth Implants
Tooth Whitening
Cosmetic Crowns or Veneers
Immediate Teeth replacements
Part or Full Dentures
A mixture of solutions
Brief Details or Concerns
* Required Contact form by


NOTE - you also get a 10% discount if you pay in advance with BITCOIN or ETH !!
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CORONA VIRUS & FLU UPDATES 2025 -Please do not be put off by our extra PPE, hand hygiene and mask-wearing preventive precautions - we ask you to comply with our safety systems to keep everyone else safe also.
We are very busy as everyone returns from their short breaks, holidays and schools start back etc - if we can't answer your call straight away, please do leave your details on our answer machine when calling 01535644005 , but this appointment request form is a good choice - please ensure your email is correct if a long one.

Please click here and read our Compulsory Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy

To Access great Specialist Expertise in Haworth, nearby to Keighley, Halifax and Bradford, West Yorkshire, please contact:

Dr.A.Kilcoyne BDS;LDS;MGDSRCS(Eng);M.Med.Sci.(U.Sheff.);FFGDP(UK)

Specialist in Prosthodontics (UK), GDC Reg.No.58373

SmileSpecialist® Centre, 9-13 Station Rd, Haworth, Keighley, West Yorks. BD22 8NL UK

Telephone 01535 644005 to make that "Special" appointment today !

We are Worth the Journey.


Your nearest Airports are Leeds/Bradford (12 miles) just 45mins drive away or Manchester (40 miles) 1hr 20mins away

Nearest Mainline Train Station = Keighley (3 miles)

or Leeds (18 miles)

(Historic Steam Railway operates Easter to Autumn, Keighley to Haworth. KWVR)

Taxi is around £8 from Keighley to Haworth

If driving, get FREE directions at the AA website

Or just put in our postcode BD22 8NL into your SatNav. or Google maps on phone.

We have side street Parking next to the Practice too!


The Smile Specialist Centre gives you ALL the Options to consider!


Dr.Kilcoyne is a fully registered UK Specialist in Prosthodontics, which includes all tooth Implants, Crowns, Veneers, Dentures, Bonding etc, to Restore or Replace teeth functionally and cosmetically so you can have a Smile that you can be proud of, without compromise. Yes all this expertise, experience and excellent track-record have a price, but we still believe it is Good Value for the level of Specialist Quality one is getting and can be confident in.

Dr.Kilcoyne and the SmileSpecialist Centre have the Options, Specialist Expertise and Experience to help YOU!

Dr.Kilcoyne has won National Prizes for the Quality of our Patient Services, so you don't have to compromise !


Dr.Kilcoyne is a fully registered UK Specialist in Prosthodontics ,which includes Implants, Crowns, Veneers, Dentures, Bonding etc, to Restore or Replace teeth functionally and cosmetically so you can have a Smile that you can be proud of, without compromise. Yes all this expertise, experience and excellent track-record have a price, but we still believe it is Good Value for the level of Specialist Quality one is getting and can be confident in.


Why not make 2025 THE year for a better Smile; begin with Haworth BD22 8NL on the map below as the RED ' O ' TODAY !

Smile Specialist Centre Haworth between Leeds and Manchester
For an improved Smile, FIND our SmileSpecialist® Centre Dental Practice in Haworth, near Bradford, Blackburn, Leeds and Manchester:
Use our postcode BD22 8NL for your destination, or head towards Bradford M606 turn-off, from the M62 motorway side, which as you get nearer to Bradford you'll see signs for Keighley and Haworth, with Haworth being a tourist area for the Brontes and the Steam Railway that still runs.
Get to Leeds central Train Station, then the Skipton Train but get off at Keighley Station - from there it's a short taxi-ride to Haworth (10mins at £7 only), Central Taxis ( 01535 602 121 ) are based at Keighley Train Station.
Get to Bradford or Leeds Bus Station take the Bus to Keighley bus station, then from there the bus to Haworth.
Nearest Airport is LEEDS / BRADFORD (40 mins drive away), then MANCHESTER Airport (1hr20mins drive away) then follow Bus/Car/Train directions above.

Our SmileSpecialist® Centre Dental Practice is on Station Road, opposite the Steam Railway Station at the bottom of the village hill.

You can use the above website menu or just click-a-link here for Specialist or Advanced aspects of Tooth VeneersTooth WhiteningDental Tooth Implants and smaller Mini-ImplantsDental Ceramic CrownsGum Diseases and Bad Breath or Root Canal treatments are just some of the subjects you can learn more about here on our award winning dental website

Before and After example of Dr.Kilcoyne's Advanced Cosmetic Dentistry Expertise

*Dr.Kilcoyne is a UK registered Specialist in Prosthodontics (GDC No.58373) which includes The Functional and Cosmetic Dentistry aspects of Crowns, Dental Implants, Bridges, Veneers, Fillings, Dentures, Bonding etc.

The PLANNING of Treatment Options is just as important as the Quality of Treatment - Dr.Kilcoyne can help you get both right, first time!

Wishing you good Dental Health AND a Smile to be proud of, from all at the SmileSpecialist® Team.

As always, Prevention is cheaper and better than Cure - that includes Preventing making bad choices based on costs alone !
