SmileSpecialist® Centre Freedom of Information publication scheme, 2009 onwards incl. GDPR 2018 & UK data protection updates too.

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SmileSpecialist® Centre Publication Scheme Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and additional FOI guidance since Jan.2009, inclusive of GDPR 2018 & UK Data Protection (post-Brexit) updates so that you can legally access the statutory held public information about us (subject to certain legal or competitive restrictions) by requesting Hard Copies for various aspects, even through Covid-19 times, as detailed in the table below.Copied from © 2000-2010 Smile Specialist® & Tony©

PLEASE NOTE: The itemised charges highlighted below are payable in advance of providing the hard copy!

You may though find even more interesting and detailed dental information on the many other pages and links that are present on this website too, especially as they are without any charge....we hope you find our approach of making as MUCH Dentistry information Freely available on our website, as can be given without having a Personal Examination and Consultation, useful and welcome !

Information available from The Practice Manager of The SmileSpecialist® Centre, address at the end of this page and provided strictly under the Freedom of Information Act model publication scheme, as modified, 2009 onwards.

Information covered by this scheme is only about the general dental services we provide under the National Health Service Act 2006 or the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006.
Please note we are currently a 100% Privately funded Dental Practice, serving our patients directly.

Information to be published in accordance with that required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and modified 2009. Please note that there are many exemptions including commercially and personally sensitive information, which also has to take account of other legislation such as Data Protection and Human Rights Acts.

How can the information be obtained? Hard copy requests are chargeable, however directly viewing any information from our website is free!

Costs for hard copy (valid through 2024-2025):

Class 1 - Who we are and what we do (Includes organisational information, structures, locations and contacts)

This will be current information only hard copy is chargeable - £25, website views are free! 
Who's who in the practice - £5.00
Contact details for the practice (includes telephone number and email address) - £5.00
Opening hours - £5.00
Staffing structure - £5.00 Copied from © 2000-2010 Smile Specialist® & Tony©
Range of General and Specialist Treatments available - £5.00
Referral Services from other Dentists and DCPs for Advanced Problems - £5.00

Class 2 – What we spend and how we spend it:

(Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit)

Comparison of current and previous financial years so we can show the MASSIVE improvements and reinvestment to deliver better Patient Care!

Hard copy is chargeable - £25, website views are free!
Total final cost to the PCT/LHB/HPSS of our contracted services - £5.00
Reaching out into the Community, Dental Education visits etc. - £5.00
Re-investments delivering examples like Advanced 3D-Xrays directly etc. - £5.00


Class 3 – What our priorities are and how we are doing (Strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews):

Comparison of current and previous years so we can show the MASSIVE improvements and reinvestment to deliver better Patient Care overall!

Hard copy is chargeable, website views are free! £25.00
Patient satisfaction surveys and testimonial - £5.00
Plans for the development and provision of NHS services - £5.00
Practice Inspection and Audits - £5.00
How we keep up to date with fast-paced changes in Dentistry - £5.00
Teamworking and Competency training for all - £5.00


Class 4 – How we make decisions:

(Decision-making processes and records of decisions) Comparison of current and previous years so we can show the MASSIVE improvements and forward planning to deliver better Patient Care! a hard copy is chargeable, website views are free! £25.00

Records of decisions improving the quality and choices for ALL patients " " £15.00
Records of decisions made in the practice just affecting the provision of NHS services " " £5.00
Processes and Procedures for decision making – using the KOST system to evaluate impact upon patients, objectively analysing harm vs benefit of changes
had proposed in short and longer term. " " £10.00


Class 5 – Our policies and procedures:

(Current written protocols, policies and procedures for delivering our services and responsibilities) Current information only, not archived/stored record hardcopy is chargable - £25, again any website views are free! 
Policies and procedures about customer service - £5.00
Equality and diversity policy - £5.00
Health and safety policy - £5.00 Copied from © 2000-2010 Smile Specialist® & Tony©
Complaints procedures (including those covering requests for information and operating the publication scheme) - £5.00
Records management policies (records retention, destruction and archive) - £5.00
Confidentiality and data protection policies - £5.00
Policies and procedures for handling requests for information - £5.00
Disciplinary policy and procedures - £5.00
All other policies, including policy on policies - £5.00


Class 6 – Lists and Registers:

Currently maintained Practice lists and registers only, subject to data protection! hard copy is chargable - £15.00, website views are free!  
Any other publicly available registers or lists we currently hold. - £5.00
Lists of those declared bankrupt, insolvent, dangerous or violent - £5.00
Register of those who wish to receive our mailings, newsletters or emails - £5.00


Class 7 – The services we offer:

(Information about the services we offer, including leaflets, guidance and newsletters produced for the public and other Practices)

Current information only hard copy is chargable - £15.00, website views are free!
Private Dental services provided under contract direct to individuals - £5.00 Copied from © 2000-2010 Smile Specialist® & Tony©
The services provided under contract to the NHS - £5.00
Charges for services - £5.00
Information leaflets - £5.00 Copied from © 2000-2010 Smile Specialist® & Tony©
Corrective and reparative work to mouths damaged by work outside of the UK - £5.00
Referral and Specialist level care provided to Individuals/organisations - £5.00

The above complies with the latest regulations for Freedom of Information, as amended 1st Jan. 2009 and includes 2018 GDPR and UK Data Protection updates too.

Please also note that payment for written/hard copy of any single/multiple areas of information are required in advance.

Additionally please also note using Pseudonyms or making Vexatious/Onerous requests for information makes a request invalid.

If you have any queries about our FoI, please write to:

The Practice Manager, The SmileSpecialist® Centre, 9-13 Station Rd, Haworth, Keighley. BD22 8NL. UK.

Last but not least, our extensive dental website provides many pages of freely available info, 24/7 directly!

Please do use the website top menu bar to freely explore literally 100s of pages of detailed dentistry information about us, treatment options, the way we work, our advanced qualifications etc.


