Find The SmileSpecialist® Centre with 35+ years of Advanced Dentistry Experiences and Expertise; you are worth it !!
For 2024 onwards, why not access these decades of our advanced experiences for your advanced wishes?
Between Leeds and Manchester, near Bradford and Halifax for Tooth Implants, Ceramic Crowns, Bridges, FastBraces*, precision Dentures and whiter natural smiles too!
Dr.Kilcoyne BDS; LDS; MGDSRCS(Eng); M.MED.SCI.(Univ.Sheff.); Fellowship FGDP(UK)
All the above qualifications have been earned through further training, peer reviewed and tested examinations in addition to being a trained, qualified and registered UK Specialist!
How do you know Dr.Kilcoyne is a proper registered Specialist in Prosthodontics (Implants, Crowns, Veneers, Bridges, Dentures etc.)?
Check the official GDC regulator's website - Dr.Kilcoyne GDC No.58373 = Genuine Specialist.
Also please note that our website complies with the European Electronic Commerce Regulations (revised 2009)
The SmileSpecialist® Centre, 9 Station Rd, Haworth, Keighley, (Nr Bradford / Leeds) West Yorkshire. The United Kingdom. BD22 8NL
Tel: 01535 644005 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We are a 100% Private Dental Practice and we accept patients by Dentist, DCP or self-referral too.
Make this THE year for a better Smile, start with Haworth on the map below as the RED ' O ' TODAY!
Google Maps or SAT NAV enter postcode BD22 8NL

Our SmileSpecialist® Centre Dental Practice is on Station Road, opposite the Steam Railway Station at the bottom of the village hill.
You can use the above website menu or just click-a-link here for Specialist or Advanced aspects of Tooth Veneers, Tooth Whitening, Dental Tooth Implants and smaller Mini-Implants, Dental Ceramic Crowns, Gum Diseases and Bad Breath or Root Canal treatments are just some of the subjects you can learn more about here on our award winning dental website
*Dr.Kilcoyne is a UK registered Specialist in Prosthodontics (GDC No.58373) which includes The Functional and Cosmetic Dentistry aspects of Crowns, Dental Implants, Bridges, Veneers, Fillings, Dentures, Bonding etc. Please go to our MAKE an APPOINTMENT page to access his Expertise.
In addition and separately Dr.Kilcoyne has a Special Interest in FastBraces and further advanced training has been acquired in the USA from the inventor and Professor of Orthodontics, Dr. Tony Viazis.
The PLANNING of Treatment Options is just as important as the Quality of Treatment - Dr.Kilcoyne can help you get both rights, first time, especially where it involves several different treatments and skills, to get the Optimum overall results to best meet your wishes and budget.
Wishing you good Dental Health AND a Smile to be proud of, from all at the SmileSpecialist® Team.
As always, Prevention is cheaper and better than Cure - that includes Preventing making bad choices based on costs alone!