Dr.Tony Kilcoyne BDS; LDS; MGDSRCS(Eng); M.Med.Sci.(U.Sheff.); FFGDP(UK).
Dentist and Specialist in Prosthodontics (UK).

Dr.Tony Kilcoyne's (brief) Curriculum Vitae, Resume, Specialist Training and extensive Dentistry Expertises gained over 35+ years, includes the following current and past experiences, skills and interests to declare, spanning various Clinical, Business, Teaching, Developmental, Regulatory and Media expertises:

Principal Dentist at the SmileSpecialist Centre, 9-13 Station Rd, Haworth, Keighley. West Yorkshire, UK. BD22 8NL, a totally private clinic.

Specialist in Prosthodontics (Rebuilding and Replacing teeth) including more complex cases involving Ceramic Crowns, Bridges, Tooth Implants, Dentures, Bonding, Special attachments, Extensive wear cases and failing dentitions that require major planning and rebuilding, Cosmetic Smile makeovers and/or challenging bite cases etc.

Dental Vocational Training Adviser for Yorkshire & Humberside region;1991 to present and currently is the Dental Foundation Training Programme Director, WY3 Dewsbury Scheme, West Yorkshire.
Duties include providing Trainer training and the planning, supervision and assessments of new Dentist graduates, for competency training into independent Primary Dental Care.

Previously elected to the British Dental Association UK Board seat on the Principal Executive Committee (PEC) of the BDA, in Dec 2016 and again Dec 2019.
Other BDA duties included (but not limited to) Audit Committee checks, plus Underwriting activities for BDA Indemnity from June 2019 to 22nd June 2020.
Note - BDA members voted Tony Kilcoyne back onto the BDA PEC Board after his raising serious concerns, with the most votes counting for a UK seat from 37 candidates, 27th Nov. 2020;
however he has resigned again and whistleblown further, due to Governance concerns at the very top etc, 9th April 2021.

Past Examiner for the MGDSRCS(Eng) and Assessor for FFGDP(UK) qualifications, which are the highest Practitioner qualifications possible from the Faculty of GDP(UK), based at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, London. 1991 to 2001

Previous Clinical Teacher in Restorative Dentistry at the Eastman Dental Institute, Gray's Inn Rd, University of London, London and the Leeds Dental Institute, Clarendon Way, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK.

Past Clinical Supervisor, Dept. Psychology, University of Sheffield, Sheffield. UK

Health Education England (now NHSE) trained and certified Mentor.

RocheMartin Emotional Capital Report certified & trained practitioner.

Minor shareholder of DenScreen Ltd, with education activities to Train, Triage, Test and Beat Covid-19, using testing systems for Dental teams and their Patients.

Lecturer and Teacher in Cosmetic Dentistry, Tooth Bleaching and Tooth Whitening, Advanced Restorative Care, Implant Dentistry, Practice Management, Public Dental Health, Prevention, Patient Care Psychology, FastBraces, Competency, Educational techniques, Audit, Cross-Infection Control & Teamworking.

Previously featured as a Prominent Lecturer on a DVD on advanced Tooth Whitening Techniques, filmed at the Royal College of Physicians, London, when lecturing to over 1000 Dentists, Feb.2006.

Special interest in Dental Braces and FastBraces treatments, which compliment and synergise with our separate Specialist Prosthodontic skills 

Previous Clinical Director of www.4everlearning.com, a Dental Education website for the Whole Dental Team.

Past visiting Clinician University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. USA.

Previous visiting Clinician University of New York, New York, USA.

Awarded the Fellowship of the Pierre Fauchard Academy, a prestigious American Honors Academy.

Previously Elected to the GDC Council governing body for UK Dentistry, 2003-2009.

Previously independently Appointed to the new GDC Board for a 4 year term, from Oct.2009 to Sept.2013.
Whilst on the GDC served upon various committees including Standards and the Policy Advisory Committee (PAC), helping to write/edit many Professional guidelines.

Previous FastBraces UK Advisor and current International Lecturer from October 2013 - present.

Occasional Consultancies to various companies and Institutions which may occur from time to time too.

Blockchain developments and Dapps for future DLT applications and verifications.

Competitively Selected & Appointed to provide Clinical Dentistry support as part of the Medical Team based in the Olympic Village, the London Olympics 2012.

Yes indeed, our own Dr Tony Kilcoyne was selected to look after the Olympic Athletes from all over the World throughout the Olympic Games London 2012. He provided expert Dental care as part of the main Medical team based in the Olympic Village with all the Olympians. Tony's other duties there can be assisting with anti-doping and ensuring medicals are completed by teams before competition too. With some 16,000+ people in the Olympic village, it is a very busy but important role too.

Tony Kilcoyne present during a surprise royal visit at the Olympic Village

Tony Kilcoyne working at the Olympic village 2012


Tony Kilcoyne made GameMaker of the day at Olympics 2012

Specialist* and Cosmetic Dentist Dr Tony Kilcoyne treats patients from all over the UK, from London, Leeds, Bradford, Leicester, Nottingham, Sheffield, Manchester, Liverpool, Midlands, Newcastle, Belfast, Cardiff, Cumbria, Lancashire, Scotland, Ireland and Wales too. He has Specialist training and Dental Education training acquired from Sheffield, Leeds, London, New York, Philadelphia, Bradford, Hull, London, Birmingham and other centres. Dr.Kilcoyne is a registered Specialist in Prosthodontics with the GDC (Reg.No.58373) and has a Specialist level of Expertise in Crowns, Veneers, Implants, Mini-Implants, Bridges, Cosmetic Bonding and Dentures too.

Dr.Kilcoyne often makes dental visits to the USA - click the picture below:

Dr.Kilcoyne visiting the USA to learn some of the latest Implant and Cosmetic Dentistry techniques


Dr.Kilcoyne is married, with 3 children and although he visits the USA regularly, he didn't meet his American wife until he was in Romania, where they were both helping charities in the 1990's. It's a long story but be warned, he is not yet bored of telling you ALL about this in every detail should you have the time :)

Tony's Professional work means that he spends most of his time working in his own Dental & Specialist* Practice in Haworth, Near Bradford and Leeds in Yorkshire, from where he has been providing Dental care consistently for some 35+ years now. He also Teaches advanced techniques and dental knowledge to Qualified Dentists and other Specialists and has held formal clinical teaching posts at both the Leeds Dental Institute, University of Leeds and the Eastman Dental Institute, University of London. He also continues to formally visit Teaching Institutions in the USA.

Dr.Kilcoyne, Prevention Award & NYU Implant Clinic

As a past Examiner, he has also been involved with the FGDP(UK) when based at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, for both the MGDSRCS(Eng.) and FFGDP(UK), London. As a Lecturer and Teacher on all aspects of Dental and Patient Care, he speaks to and has taught Advanced Techniques to thousands of Dentists and their teams within and outside the UK.


Tony Lecturing at National BDA Conference


Dr.Kilcoyne Lecturing at the National Dentistry Show

Tony has also been made a Fellow of the Pierre Fauchard Academy, a highly respected American Honors Academy which recognises high-quality care and work that furthers Dental Knowledge. He travels to the USA regularly, with Professional activities including past visits to Dental Schools there, such as the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia (an Ivy League School) and New York University (NYU).

Tony using advanced Laser teaching equipment at the Ivy League School UofP USA

Click image below for just a quick 1-minute tour of Dr Tony Kilcoyne's extensive Facebook page too:

Dr Tony Kilcoyne Facebook page and 1 minute FB tour


Tony was also a democratically elected (by UK Dental Professionals) member of the GDC governing regulatory body for UK Dental Professionals from 2003-2009, then in October 2009 was also independently Appointed by the Independent Appointments Commission as a dentist member of the new GDC Board, for a further 4 years, based at 37 Wimpole St, London. This position ended at the end of September 2013, where Professional members are not allowed to serve more than 10 years.

On a Personal level, Tony enjoys walking in the beautiful Bronte Countryside around his home with his Family (and riding on the steam railway there too). His hobbies & interests have included Travel, Photography, Racket Sports, Skiing, Hand-gliding, Chess and playing the Trombone.

Dr.Kilcoyne's many Dental Posts and wide Experiences have helped countless Patients and Dental Professionals in many ways, over the decades too.

Dr.Kilcoyne's dental team were a previous overall winner of the National QDA award, which was judged by the British Dental Journal, Colgate and Denplan and was competed for by Dental Practices from all over the UK. The finals were held at the BDA Headquarters, London. 1997, but as you see even with this high peer-reviewed accolade, we have not been idle or rested on our laurels, but continue to improve and advance our care and facilities even further, re-investing in knowledge and skills to offer all the modern options continually.

Practice Judged No.1 in UK for Patient Services


Please feel free to check Dr.Kilcoyne's GENUINE Specialist status at the official GDC website www.gdc-uk.org,

by simply clicking their "Search our Register" link and enter No.58373


Care Quality Commission report on the Smile Specialist Centre

This is what the latest external CQC independent inspection said about our passing all their Quality Standards in 2016, using their new system of inspections - in short, we passed ALL their detailed inspection criteria and the independent CQC inspectors also noted:

"The Practice had good facilities and was well equipped to treat patients and meet their needs." and "Patients were positive about the care they received at the practice. Feedback commented how friendly, caring and attentive staff were at the practice."

Latest CQC repost showing passed all criteria 2016

This is a constant for The Smile Specialist Centre over the last 30 years, as exemplified from the previous external CQC independent inspection findings back in November 2012 too:
CQC independent Quality report Nov 2012CQC report shows Smile Specialist Centre passess all Quality criteria Nov 2012

Dr.Kilcoyne takes a keen interest in dental developments in Medical and Social care in the wider Public interest too - below are some examples of where he adds to current knowledge or raises public concerns to help prevent matters getting worse, so those who have REAL power to change things centrally, can consider how best to do this, even within Limited resources and budgets, to achieve Optimum (if not always perfect) outcomes, more reliably and more realistically, overall:

An example of a previous letter published online by the British Medical Journal (BMJ) in 2011, calling for better recognition/understanding of how Dental Diseases can adversely affect Medical conditions too, raising awareness for our medical colleagues:

Dr.Kilcoyne's letter published online in the BMJ 2011


An example of how Dr.Kilcoyne in conjunction with 100 dental colleagues, raised public concerns in the Daily Telegraph 2nd January 2014, that the NHS Dentistry System in England wasn't fit for purpose and needs urgent attention:


NHS Dentistry System unfit for Purpose concerns 2014


An example of Dr Tony Kilcoyne's expertise on TV and Media, explaining complex Dentistry problems clearly, to millions of viewers ITV:

Dr.Kilcoyne on ITV Breakfast News with Lorraine and Aled about NHS concerns 2014


Dr.Kilcoyne's insight and advice also reach Millions of people as the official BBC Radio 2 Resident Dentist in London too:

Radio 2 resident Dentist Dr.Kilcoyne does public phone in questions


Dr.Kilcoyne has completed numerous programmes involving Dentistry issues which are constantly in the news as problems worsen:

Dr. Tony Kilcoyne Radio 2 resident Dentist expert 2014


We hope you have found the outline CV, resume and various interests of Dr.Kilcoyne above useful and interesting and of course, further advances, learning and development don't stop here but are a continuous process to benefit our patients and our colleagues too.

WHY NOT see Dr.Kilcoyne directly yourself and get his expert advice and options that best meet your dental needs?
Make this THE year for a better Smile, start with Haworth BD22 8NL on the map below as the RED ' O ' TODAY!
Enter BD22 8NL into your SAT NAV. or Google maps on your phone.

Smile Specialist Centre Haworth between Leeds and Manchester
For an improved Smile, FIND our SmileSpecialist® Centre Dental Practice in Haworth, near Bradford, Blackburn, Leeds and Manchester:
Use our postcode BD22 8NL for your destination, or head towards Bradford M606 turn-off, from the M62 motorway side, which as you get nearer to Bradford you'll see signs for Keighley and Haworth, with Haworth being a tourist area for the Brontes and the Steam Railway that still runs.
Get to Leeds central Train Station, then the Skipton Train but get off at Keighley Station - from there it's a short taxi-ride to Haworth (10mins at £8 only), Central Taxis ( 01535 602 121 ) are based at Keighley Train Station.
Get to Bradford or Leeds Bus Station take the Bus to Keighley bus station, then from there the bus to Haworth.
Nearest Airport is LEEDS / BRADFORD (40 mins drive away), then MANCHESTER Airport (1hr20mins drive away) then follow Bus/Car/Train directions above.

Our SmileSpecialist® Centre Dental Practice is on Station Road, opposite the Steam Railway Station at the bottom of the village hill.

You can use the above website menu or just click-a-link here for Specialist or Advanced aspects of Tooth VeneersTooth WhiteningDental Tooth Implants and smaller Mini-ImplantsDental Ceramic CrownsGum Diseases and Bad Breath or Root Canal treatments are just some of the subjects you can learn more about here on our award winning dental website www.smilespecialist.co.uk.

Before and After example of Dr.Kilcoyne's Advanced Cosmetic Dentistry Expertise

*Dr.Kilcoyne is a UK registered Specialist in Prosthodontics (GDC No.58373) which includes The Functional and Cosmetic Dentistry aspects of Tooth Crowns, Dental Implants, Bridges, Veneers, Fillings, Dentures, Bonding etc. Please go to our MAKE an APPOINTMENT page to access his Expertise.

The PLANNING of Treatment Options is just as important as the Quality of Treatment - Dr.Kilcoyne can help you get both rights, first time!

Wishing you good Dental Health AND a Smile to be proud of, from all at the SmileSpecialist® Team.

As always, Dental Prevention is cheaper and better than Cure - that includes Preventing making bad choices based on costs alone!

Please Note: We take Infection Controls and cleanliness very seriously indeed, which is why Dr.Kilcoyne has gone beyond existing guidances to create the ' Kilcoyne KleanTM ' concept which applies the best scientific evidence methods in the most practical and effective ways to keep everyone healthy - indeed our checks and readings show our dental practice environments in our reception and waiting areas are 10x cleaner than outside public areas everyone visits routinely!
This was before Covid-19, though since 'swine-flu' the scientific community has been expecting another pandemic and we were well prepared for this possibility.


Hand Disinfection at reception

LDU clean room

Kilcoyne Klean

Whether it's our attention to detail and the latest scientific evidence and techniques to the above and other modern dentistry areas too, please do tell others who would appreciate such detailed and free information about Specialist and Cosmetic Dentistry care featured on our UK Dentistry website.
Simply by click the top-of-page email box, top right corner of every page, to share our links helpfully. Thankyou.
