Dental Tooth Bonding, artistic Re-Shaping & Cosmetic Contouring for your Teeth.

Specialist Dentist Dr.Kilcoyne provides his direct cosmetic tooth bonding options through 2025, that can improve smiles with improved individual artistic & precise shaping, natural smile proportions and cosmetic contouring for teeth, are modern yet minimally invasive cosmetic dentistry techniques that involve using various generations of enamel and dentine bonding cosmetic techniques, using our 35+ years of Specialist Dentistry skills and advanced technology with Composites, Ormocers, Ceramics and Hybrids too. These have given Dentistry many more conservative Cosmetic Bonding restorative options, that are beautiful and artistic also.
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CORONA VIRUS & FLU UPDATES for 2025 - Please do not be put off by our extra PPE, hand hygiene and mask-wearing preventive precautions - we ask you to comply with our safety systems to keep everyone else safe also, even when we're busy. If we can't answer your call straight away, please do leave your details on our answer machine when calling 01535644005 , or use our appointment request form in the tabs top of page. 

Do you want to know even more about new cosmetic Bonding techniques in Cosmetic Dentistry, to reduce tooth removal and maximise your smile profile by our Specialist* Dental Expert, Dr.Kilcoyne? Then consider a consultation with Dr.Kilcoyne himself at only £99; please do read below....

Smaller tooth Requires cosmetic Bonding Cosmetic Bonding of Tooth Completed

Cosmetic & Dental Bonding

This describes the procedure where various dental restorations are glued to tooth substance, improving the seal and retention of a number of Dental materials, especially useful for cosmetic cases. We would recommend that ANY Whitening or Bleaching procedures are done first, so that any "NEW" bonding work can be done to match the new whiter shade of your bleached teeth (see pictures below).
Bonding enables your dentist to reduce spaces between your teeth, lengthen small or mis-shaped teeth or whiten stained or darkened teeth by bonding tooth-coloured materials matched to your own tooth shade. A single tooth can be shaped and coloured, or your entire smile can be changed using the latest cosmetic dental materials and dental bonding agents.

The Pictures below show how "bonding" can restore the looks and function of teeth, without drilling!

Cosmetic Bonding and Whitening provided in 2 days only

When teeth are chipped or beginning to wear, bonding can protect them from damage and restore their original look. Bonding your teeth with resin can be a one-appointment procedure, eg: First, teeth are slightly roughened and a conditioning gel is applied. Then a bonding resin is placed on the teeth (enamel/dentine) and is crafted to the desired shape. A high-intensity blue light then hardens the resin, bonding it to the teeth. Once in place, bonded restorations are very strong. Bonding can greatly improve the appearance of your teeth, resulting in a more beautiful, natural-looking smile! However, strong or worn bites may be unsuitable for this one visit procedure.

There are some other systems too that use bonding technology, but these will usually need 2 or more visits and will use various laboratory ceramics and porcelains. This increases the treatment time and the price, but may give a longer lasting improvement than bonded resins alone. Dr.Kilcoyne is a registered Specialist* for this type of Cosmetic and Reconstructive Dentistry! Only your own Dentist or Specialist can discuss which options suit you best, after they have examined you.

Large Canine too far forward in Smile Bonding Process part-way with Seperation strip Final Bonding makes canine look like an Incisor

The patient above didn't like "dracula" Canine tooth near front - so Dr.Kilcoyne applies his special bonding and artistry techniques - this results in a natural cosmetic tooth appearance where the canine is also disguised as the missing lateral incisor. We can give you the options that suit you best AND deliver these to our Specialist Standards, so you can have a nicer, natural Smile as wished for!


Only your Dentist or Specialist can give you individual advice after examining you.

You can use the above website menu or just click-a-link here for Specialist or Advanced aspects of Tooth VeneersTooth WhiteningDental Tooth Implants and smaller Mini-ImplantsDental Ceramic CrownsGum Diseases and Bad Breath or Root Canal treatments are just some of the subjects you can learn more about here on our award winning dental website

*Dr.Kilcoyne is a UK registered Specialist in Prosthodontics (GDC No.58373) which includes The Functional and Cosmetic Dentistry aspects of Crowns, Dental Implants, Bridges, Veneers, Fillings, Dentures, Bonding etc. Please go to our MAKE an APPOINTMENT page if you'd like to access his Expertise.

We hope you have found the above information and the other website pages useful too.



