Dr Tony Kilcoyne is a genuine, fully UK registered and Accredited Specialist in Prosthodontics ( dental tooth crowns, bridges, veneers, ceramic restorations, tooth implants, precision dentures etc.) in the UK.
If you have specific or unusual needs, maybe a complex situation, or a cosmetic challenge, then Dr.Kilcoyne's extensive knowledge and specialist expertises can help YOU make the best of any situation you find yourself in - whether that is extra time to care if anxious, or advanced solutions delivered in ways that suit you best.
NICE but NATURAL is both our technical and artistic approach, but always done in full agreement with your wishes and needs too.
We regularly undertakes more complex work to reconstruct the functional bite and cosmetic aspects of patients' smiles, with over 35 years of reliability and high experience using the most up to date materials and techniques to give you the optimum balance between function, looks and costs.
In addition and separately, Dr.Kilcoyne also has a Special Interest in FastBraces treatments and has been to the USA to undertake their advanced training programmes, given by the inventor of FastBraces systems and patents, Dr.Tony Viazis Professor of Orthodontics and who has published textbooks on this subject, amongst other publications!
See Dr.Kilcoyne's extensive CV to view his vast experiences and qualifications.
YOU CAN STILL ACCESS DR.KILCOYNE directly at the SmileSpecialist Centre Haworth Keighley West Yorkshire, BD22 8NL , an easy drive from Bradford or Leeds !!
We get patients visiting from all over the UK, to access his expertise, because their smiles last long after the visits become a distant memory.
Please call 01535 644005 and leave your details; even if you get the answer machine at busy times, we will get back to you.
Dr.Kilcoyne visits many countries Worldwide Professionally, including the USA to further his dental knowledge and expertise with the most recent developments in Dental Technology, materials used and advanced techniques. He has visited some of the most highly recognised Dental Schools in the USA, including the University of Pennsylvania (Ivy league, top 7 in the USA) and New York University. He also has experienced working and teaching at the Eastman Dental Institute, University of London; the Dental Institute, University of Leeds and the Faculty of General Dental Practitioners, Royal College of Surgeons, London, England.
Your Smile says a lot about you to others, and we can help you "maximise" that first Impression to others, Socially and in Business life too !!!
The possibilities range from same - day treatments including Tooth Whitening, Bleaching & Dental Implants and even Smaller or Mini-Implants which can be placed in less bone and often avoids the need for surgical bone grafting for many!
Dr.Kilcoyne is also a great campaigner to improve public dental knowledge and prevention in many ways, because sadly central systems and the Dept. of Health have neglected this aspect for Decades - so we do emphasise patient-centred care, prevention and high-quality options, but if you ask us what is the best filling or crown, the answer will always be the same.......... that answer is Healthy Tooth !!
We can help you help yourself GET healthy and improve your Smile, then to maintain this over the coming years - that's our philosophy and we have a 30+ year track record in delivering high-quality care and options too!
Care Quality Commission report on the Smile Specialist Centre

So why not access Dr.Kilcoyne's Specialist opinion and find out what's possible for you?
Here's just one example of how Dr.Kilcoyne improved a patient's Smile, for teeth that were very twisted and out of line, but as a working adult didn't want to wear Braces - the solution below was provided in as little as 2 weeks, comfortably and without extractions or root canal treatments as she had been previously offered.
How much is the quality of one's daily life improved socially or at work, by such advanced techniques?
Here are the before and after pictures in negative so you can see better the severe degree of unevenness we improved:
*Dr.Kilcoyne is a recognised Dental Specialist for any aspects of Cosmetic Dentistry that includes Crowns, Veneers, Bridges, Implant work and fillings too (Prosthodontics).
Referrals from Dentists are accepted far and wide from North, South, East, West Yorkshire, Bradford, Leeds, Manchester, York, Halifax, Wakefield, Huddersfield, Doncaster, Stockport, Lancashire, Chester, Oldham, Newcastle, Cleveland, Durham, Sheffield, Derbyshire, Liverpool, Midlands, Merseyside, Hull, London, Humberside, East Riding, Cumbria or Cheshire areas. We are less than 3 hours away from London area, Oxford, Cambridge, Bristol, Buckinghamshire, Northamptonshire, Birmingham, Northumberland, Nottinghamshire, Tyne and Wear, Midlands, Worcestershire, Lincolnshire, Hampshire, Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Belfast, Dublin. If you are visiting internationally from Paris, Tokyo, USA, Canada etc, you will be made very welcome.
Often the benefit in getting Dr.Kilcoyne's Specialist Opinion is in the options given that can work BEST for you!
To Access our Specialist Expertise, whether travelling from near or far, please contact:
The SmileSpecialist® Centre, 9-13 Station Rd, Haworth, Keighley, West Yorks. BD22 8NL
Telephone (+44) 01535 644005 or click the 'Make Appointment' Tab to make that "Special" appointment today!
We are Worth the Journey - just put BD22 8NL in the Sat Nav or your phone maps.
See a recent letter below that Dr.Kilcoyne had published online in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) in 2011
Overall it looks like Dr.Kilcoyne's many previous concerns were valid and are STILL ignored centrally, as since 2018 in England STILL the No.1 medical reason any primary school child is hospitalised, remains rotten teeth :(
Isn't it time HMG started listening to prevention & wisdom, instead of staying stuck in denial-mode, pre-Covid and now post-Covid ???
To learn more about Dr.Kilcoyne acting in the public interest, click on Dentists whistleblowing more frequently about The Big Lie Centrally 2015
or NHS dentistry concerns exposed 2016 or NHS dentistry concerns worsen 2017 or NHS dentistry concerns critically worsen 2018
or Britains kids worse teeth than 3rd World Countries 2018 or Dental Crisis could have been Prevented 2019
or NHS Dentistry's rotten state due to continued mismanagement 2020 or Central NHS Dentistry crisis made even worse with Covid problems 2021
Meanwhile, to make this year to seek a better Smile, start with Haworth on the map below as the RED ' O ' TODAY!
Our SmileSpecialist® Centre Dental Practice is on Station Road, opposite the Steam Railway Station at the bottom of the village hill.
You can use the above website menu or just click-a-link here for Specialist or Advanced aspects of Tooth Veneers, Tooth Whitening, Dental Tooth Implants and smaller Mini-Implants, Dental Ceramic Crowns, Gum Diseases and Bad Breath or Root Canal treatments are just some of the subjects you can learn more about here on our award winning dental website www.smilespecialist.co.uk.
*Dr.Kilcoyne is a UK registered Specialist in Prosthodontics (GDC No.58373) which includes The Functional and Cosmetic Dentistry aspects of Crowns, Dental Implants, Bridges, Veneers, Fillings, Dentures, Bonding etc. Please go to our MAKE an APPOINTMENT page to access his Expertise.
The PLANNING of Treatment Options is just as important as the Quality of Treatment - Dr.Kilcoyne can help you get both rights, first time!
Wishing you good Dental Health AND a Smile to be proud of, from all at the SmileSpecialist® Team.
As always, Prevention is cheaper and better than Cure - that includes Preventing making bad choices based on just costs alone!