Private Dental Care & Advanced Cosmetic Dentistry
at The Smile Specialist Centre
in Haworth, Keighley, near to Halifax, Bradford & Skipton, West Yorkshire UK.
Are you Unhappy with your Smile - why not treat yourself or a loved one to something rather special to smile about?
Our established Expertise can improve Dental Health & your Confidence, even beyond these Covid times...
Why not get that smile & confidence you need or want, in the new year!!
NOTE - 10% discount in addition to our Special Offers, if you pay in advance with BITCOIN or ETH !
New to the Bitcoin/Crypto world?
See Dr.Kilcoyne's free & simple intro guide here: download Bitcoin intro guide
We are getting busier as Autumn now leads into the 'less than 100 days' to Christmas period etc - if we can't answer your call straight away, please do leave your details on our answer machine when calling 01535644005 , or use our appointment request form in the tabs top of page.
CORONA VIRUS & SAFETY UPDATES Jan 2025 : Thank you for your continued patience with our prevention systems, as there are still occasional outbreaks of Covid, Flus and Norovirus etc; in 2025 there are new strains of bird flu that are one mutation away from another Covid type pandemic as people mix and travel more and frankly, most don't clean their hands as well as they used to.
So please wash your hands often (a common spread of diseases are contacts with people and handles), especially before eating snacks or fast foods, pizza etc.
*Dr.Kilcoyne is a fully GDC Registered, Trained Dentist and Specialist* in both the Functional & Cosmetic aspects of Tooth Implants, Crowns, Bridges, Precision Dentures, mini-implants, Ceramics, Veneers, Occlusion, Bonding and Restoring Smiles. Dr.Kilcoyne is totally Private and brings over 30 years of high-end expertises in such cases to rebuild the function and smiles for all, so why not get his expert Specialist opinion before making any major dental decisions ???
We can help YOU to get the smile you deserve, using our Precision Dental & Specialist* Skills, Training and Knowledge.
Just Imagine what a qualified Specialist* can achieve at our Yorkshire SmileSpecialist® Centre!**
Do you want a Smile that you can be proud of, in just weeks ???
Simply click onto the top-bar menu for dental information on Same-Day Implants, Braces, Tooth Whitening, Ceramic Bridges, Advanced Cosmetic Dentistry options etc, conveniently from Haworth near Bradford & Leeds, West Yorkshire. You can also scroll down the page to read more ..... or Why not view our newer stylish & compact website at by clicking here :)
Dr.Tony Kilcoyne has also brought the exciting new technology of FastBraces® from the USA, that can offer children and adults typical treatment times anywhere between 3-12 months to straighten teeth WITHOUT EXTRACTIONS in most cases. This system doesn't just tip teeth, it bodily moves the tooth roots in 3D from day 1 and is full proper Orthodontics.
Dr.Kilcoyne's FastBraces® using unique new patented technology delivers high comfort with low forces and is very highly rated by patients!
Dr.Kilcoyne has a Special Interest in FastBraces® and Traditional Orthodontic Braces too.
See our Dr.Kilcoyne's FastBraces® page for more info.
Dentistry at the London 2012 Olympic Games
Did you enjoy watching the Olympics in Rio 2016 and Japan back on course for Summer 2021 - many congratulations to team GB - amazing effort from all those whether they won medals or not !!!
We take a keen interest in such progress because our own Dentist & Specialist* Dr Tony Kilcoyne, was selected from 1000s of Dental Professionals to look after the World's TOP ATHLETES for the Olympic Games London 2012, based right in the centre of the Olympic Village before and during the event.
Why not be treated personally by someone who was selected & trusted with the dental care of
all the World's best Athletes, worth £££Billions?
Interestingly in each day of the Olympics, the Olympic village daily magazine chose their Games-Maker of the day, on Friday 3rd August 2012 they chose:
Here at our Smile Specialist Centre in Haworth, Keighley, near Bradford and Leeds, the kind of bespoke precision dental work we do, is just like delicate keyhole surgery, where our decades of Experience with our high Expertise really matter & can really count!
Let Dr. Kilcoyne the expert smile dentist get it RIGHT for you, first time, every time, in the complex area of very high-tech, very high skills, Dentistry care.
EVERY new patient will get a full mouth examination, outline treatment plan with different prices and Options often on the FIRST visit - it is thus very important you book the right kind of examination for your needs, be it general dentistry, specific Cosmetic issues or Implant & Complex case consultations with us.
After the right examination with us, you will then have the information YOU need, to make an informed choice that best meets your needs, wishes and budget too - it is SO important to get the right Plan to follow and the initial Opinion and Treatment Options can make ALL the difference longer-term too.
One cannot do a complex examination for say Implants and discussion appointment taking us 1 hour to DO IT RIGHT, in only the general 30 mins slot or even worse, via a 'free' chat, so please don't try to do this compromise to save a few £££ - if you want 'free' information then read the extensive pages on this website = far more detailed and extensive info. than you'd normally get from an inadequate short 'free' chat - our website gets great reader/visitor feedback!
We book out the proper time and charge for our valuable Specialist Expertise, so please don't try to skimp on this vital first stage, it isn't just a very rushed 5 min check-up, but a VERY detailed examination and consultation that can help prevent future problems AND provide excellent longer-term solutions and choices for your dental health and attractive smile!
YOU ARE WORTH IT and we hope you feel our Dentist + Specialist Expertise and long track record is worth it too.
Care Quality Commission report on the Smile Specialist Centre
"The Practice had good facilities and was well equipped to treat patients and meet their needs." and
"Patients were positive about the care they received at the practice. Feedback commented how friendly, caring and attentive staff were at the practice."

Clearly, we place a high value on our Patient care and Clinical expertise, including at a Specialist level too. Please see below for just one example of a recent unsolicited thank-you card sent by a patient, treated by our caring team:
Whether you want advanced dentistry options like tooth implants, emergency dentistry, ceramic crowns, minimal dentistry and maximum cosmetic improvements, resolving gum problems or saving your teeth wherever possible, combined with our gentle and personalised care, we can help you achieve your dental wishes.
WHY NOT IMPROVE YOUR SMILE in 2024 with the help of Specialist* Dr.Kilcoyne himself?
Want to know more about Dental Tooth Implants?
We can even take teeth out and replace fixed-in teeth the same day with our Specialist skills.
Click on Teeth Implants and Mini-Implants Information to see what we can do.
Want to know more about Cosmetic Tooth Veneers?
More modern Veneers now mean a lot less tooth needs removing than used to be done.
Click on Cosmetic Tooth Veneer Choices to read more.
Want to know more about Tooth Whitening benefits?
It is very important to go to a properly qualified Dental Professionals for Teeth Whitening who can examine your mouth before and after Teeth Whitening treatments after taking a full Medical History - beware Amateur Salons offering tooth Whitening services. The dangers aren't just to permanently damaging your teeth and gums, but also spreading diseases between patients (hepatitis, TB, herpes etc.) and into the community at large, as Salon Amateurs don't have to follow Dentists high standards in Training and Disease prevention or Sterilisation, which is why they seem generally cheaper of course, as well as being illegal now, for public safety reasons!
Click on Tooth Whitening and Teeth Bleaching Options to learn more.
Want to know the Truth about NHS Dentistry problems & limitations
according to C4 Dispatches and wider media?
The Dentists tend to get 100% blame for a poorly planned and even more poorly resourced dental system - Dr.Tony Kilcoyne took part in this Investigative Programme to help expose 'The Big Lie' that NHS Dentistry can provide for ALL the clinical health needs for the population in England under current limitations. Dr.Kilcoyne says boldly the NHS Dental system simply is not fit for purpose, dental prevention is itself prevented and rotten teeth was the third most common MEDICAL reason for ANY young child to be in a Hospital bed overnight - he was concerned things would only get worse if proper action wasn't taken!
Well now it looks like Dr.Kilcoyne's previous concerns were valid and STILL ignored centrally, as since 2018 in England, STILL the No.1 medical reason any primary school child is hospitalised, remains rotten teeth in 2022 :(
Isn't it time HMG started listening to prevention & wisdom, instead of staying stuck in denial-mode ???
To learn more, click on Dentists whistleblowing more frequently about The Big Lie Centrally 2015
or NHS dentistry concerns exposed 2016 or NHS dentistry concerns worsen 2017 or NHS dentistry concerns critically worsen 2018
or Britains kids worse teeth than 3rd World Countries 2018 or Dental Crisis could have been Prevented 2019
or NHS Dentistry's rotten state due to continued mismanagement 2020 or Central NHS Dentistry crisis made even worse with Covid problems 2021
Want to know even more about Gum Problems and other Gum Diseases?
Gum diseases tend to not hurt, but can cause all your teeth to be lost, as well as embarrassing bad breath etc,
Click on Do I have Gum Problems or Gum Diseases? to learn more.
Want to know more about Cosmetic Dentistry?
There are many options to Cosmetically improve your smile. Dr.Kilcoyne the smile dentist can offer all of these and finds that after his detailed examination and discussion with patients, several options are usually combined to get the desired overall result at a reasonable price in an acceptable timescale. It is important to have an Expert plan and to do the right things in the right order too, For great long-term results, the Quality really does count! Many of our patients come from the Leeds - Manchester M62 areas for our Expertise.
Click on Cosmetic Dentistry near Leeds, Yorkshire or Manchester, Lancashire to read more.
Worried about Cheap Dentistry Abroad Dangers?
We all like to save money, but buying irreversible Surgical services as if they're disposable DVDs may damage your health beyond repair and cost a lot more again OR maybe not be fixable again at any price - it could result in the wrong Short-cuts, permanently!
It's ALWAYS better to save and get it done right the first time or prevent it going wrong or worsening of course.
Concerned? Then see the Possible Serious Dangers of Dentistry Abroad information page.
Our UK Dental Practice is 100% independent & Private, which simply means we have a direct relationship with you, being neither managed or limited by any third-party restrictions or rationing, so we can offer you ALL the dental treatment options that are possible for you independently without external bias or limitation - thus, we can spend the TIME and QUALITY and attention to DETAIL that you desire, because YOU pay 100% of the costs of our high-tech dental services directly, which we provide directly so YOU are in control, YOU choose your priorities, not some third-party!
For example, you will get to choose from many different options (such as over 25 different kinds of Crowns) for Cosmetic Dentistry Smile improvements, differing Implant options, Bridges, Private Dentures, Tooth Whitening etc, as well as getting the extra time and Expertise you need if your problems are more complex than average, we take the time to care and provide excellent Dentistry options and choices.
Although patients are referred from local Dental Practices, some come from all over for Tooth Implants from Leeds, Manchester, Sheffield, York or even New York because the Public can also access us directly for appointments too. Thus whether you live more locally around Bradford, Leeds, Halifax, Keighley, Skipton, Bingley, Huddersfield, Wakefield, Selby, Harrogate, York, Ripon, Clitheroe, Rochdale, Bury, Blackburn, Nelson, Burnley, Oldham, Manchester, Ilkley etc, or like increasing numbers who now travel to us from further afield such as Birmingham, Hull, Newcastle, Doncaster, Sheffield, Chester, Cumbria, Glasgow, Edinburgh, London, Dublin, Cardiff, Belfast and even New York too, (often using local airports like Manchester Airport or Leeds and Bradford Airport, just 40 mins drive away), all are welcome and we are humbled by the distances many patients travel to see us for their care.
For just one example of expertise at our SmileSpecialist® Centre developed over the last 35+ years, please look closer at the before and after pictures below to see just some of our Advanced & Dental Specialist* skills at work:
The above Smile was transformed thanks to Dr.Kilcoyne's
35+ years of Advanced Experiences and Expertise.
*Dr.Kilcoyne BDS;LDS;MGDSRCS(Eng); M.MED.SCI.(Univ.Sheff.); Fellowship FGDP(UK)
All the above qualifications have been earned through further training, peer reviewed and tested examinations in addition to being a trained, qualified and registered UK Specialist!
How do you know Dr Kilcoyne the smile dentist is a proper Specialist in Prosthodontics (Implants, Crowns, Veneers, Bridges, Dentures etc.)?
Check the official GDC regulator's website - Dr.Kilcoyne GDC No.58373 = Genuine Specialist.
Also please note that our website complies with the European Electronic Commerce Regulations (revised 2009)
**SmileSpecialist® Centre
9-13 Station Rd, Haworth, Keighley, (Nr Bradford / Leeds) West Yorkshire. UK. BD22 8NL
Tel: 01535 644005 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Usual Opening hours: Mon-Thurs 9.30am-2pm + Mon. late evening 4pm-8pm Closed Friday for University Teaching duties. Please call or email first to arrange any appointment because we are an 'appointment-only' dental practice and the time reserved is just especially for you!
We are a 100% Private Dental Practice only plus we accept patients by Dentist, DCP or self-referral too.
Please note - there are chronic issues with the NHS Dentistry system in England which make many Political promises almost impossible for most dental teams to actually deliver, so don't always blame your NHS Dentist if there are problems - please read this public article where many Dental Professionals raised concerns in the public interest:
NHS Dentistry in England, is it really N or H or S free for all, or just The Big Lie??
HOWEVER, here at the SmileSpecialist Centre because we are 100% Private and you totally fund your time and our expertise directly, you can be assured that there are no System compromises or third-party restrictions imposed externally for your dental care!
Dr.Tony Kilcoyne keeps himself up to date by personally going all over the World to learn and use the latest techniques and technologies to benefit YOU and your dental needs, learning from advances around the World - from the USA, Australia, Europe etc, Dr.Kilcoyne has added to his Specialist Expertises.
We also place great importance on spending the Time to Care and Listen to your needs and deliver our Dentistry in a very Friendly and Gentle way - we treat you as a whole person and trust our 25 years of excellence, reputation and dependability are both valuable and reassuring to you.
Even if you can't access our Specialist or Cosmetic Dentistry services, we hope you find our very informative and detailed web pages useful to you in exploring the many new possibilities to improve the Function, Cosmetics and Health of your mouth - we literally have had thousands of thank you emails from the UK and Worldwide too for the degree of detail and simple explanations of what are sometimes complex dental issues and difficult choices, all with their own advantages and disadvantages too - that is why no matter how wonderful or applicable you may feel some of our information is to you, everybody is different so you must ALWAYS get a qualified Professional opinion after an examination of your mouth first, because you are Unique and Special too.
To see a quick tour of Dr. Tony Kilcoyne's Facebook page popular with other dental professionals, click below:
Whether you access Dr.Kilcoyne's Specialist Expertise and 35+ years of experience in the latest advanced Dentistry techniques from the UK and USA, or access dental care elsewhere, we hope this dental website still helps you in some way. We welcome feedback and even though we have won National Awards and Prizes for the Quality of our Patient Services, we continually strive to keep improving and keep our Patients at the Centre for everything we do.
If you are looking for an established Cosmetic Dentist, Implant Dentist or Specialist Dentist around Leeds, Manchester, York, Sheffield, Keighley, Bradford, Halifax, Blackburn, Colne, Wakefield Skipton, Ilkley, Huddersfield, Selby, Harrogate, Oldham, Nelson, Bingley, Dewsbury, Pudsey, Hull etc, then we are only an hour or so away at the SmileSpecialist® Centre, with good road and rail links between Yorkshire, Lancashire, Trent, Lincolnshire and Cumbria.
Thousands say we are worth the Journey!
There are lots more free pages of information on this SmileSpecialist® website too, whilst Cosmetic Dentistry is a popular choice, please don't forget the essential (if sometimes overlooked because they are mentioned so often) tooth brushing and tooth flossing good habits, visiting your Dentist regularly for advice and Prevention of Dental problems, is always the best economic and dental health option to do longer term, if teeth for life is your goal. Copied from © Smile Specialist® & Tony©
Whether it's Dental Tooth Implants, smaller mini Implants, Veneers, Crowns, Bridges, Part Dentures, Tooth Whitening, worn or uneven teeth, Cosmetic Dentistry, Braces, White Fillings, Bonding, special dental attachments, retainers, Ceramics, Occlusion Splints, extractions or immediate replacement teeth, we can give you the information you need to make your Mouth and Smile nicer, healthier and better than it's ever been before.
Please use our top links to other info. pages to read more about our Advanced Cosmetic Dentistry and Specialist Quality Dental Treatment Options, which you could have directly from Dr.Kilcoyne, after making an appropriate length of appointment for a General, Cosmetic or Implant consultation. Thank you.
Need a good dental engineer service? The SmileSpecialist® Centre recommends who've dealt well with several challenging dental projects.
If you'd like to know more about UK Cosmetic Dentistry options, just click Cosmetic Dentistry Information here.
*Dr.Kilcoyne is a UK registered Specialist in Prosthodontics (GDC No.58373) which includes The Functional and Cosmetic Dentistry aspects of Crowns, Dental Implants, Bridges, Veneers, Fillings, Dentures, Bonding etc.
The title Dr. does not imply the possession of a Ph.D or acting as a medical practitioner - although Dr. courtesy title has been used freely in the UK since 1995 and in Europe, USA and Worldwide routinely to refer to all qualified Dentists as well as a courtesy title for all medical practitioners too, the Advertising Standards Authority is concerned that the UK population may not understand that 'Dr.Kilcoyne Dental Surgeon' type descriptions, means Dr.Kilcoyne is a Dentist and not a medical practitioner or a Ph.D in philosophy etc, so they request this is made clear, even though there's no credible evidence of public confusion after 20 years!!
**Please note that SmileSpecialist® is a registered Trademark with the UK Patent Office and any reference to SmileSpecialist® or the Smile Specialist Centre are business trading names only, under Licence and do not refer to any individuals.

Please do go to the MAKE an APPOINTMENT page if you'd like to access Dr.Kilcoyne's Dental Expertise in 2024. Thank you.